Server Information
General Information | |
Server Version | Season 2 |
Experience Level 1 ~ 300 | x2 | Experience Level 301 ~ 340 | x1.5 |
Experience Level 341 ~ x | 1x |
Drop | 10% |
General Information
Max Connections IP | 3 |
Allow VPN connections | ON |
Level Helper | 20 |
Max Options Excelent | 2 |
Max Option Life | +16 |
Elf Soldier Buffer max level | 120 |
Elf Soldier Buffer max level(VIP) | 150 |
Off Store | ON |
Off Helper | OFF |
Character Creation
Class | Requires Character Level | |
FREE | VIP | |
Magic Gladiator | 100 | 1 |
Dark Lord | 120 | 1 |
PK Information
Drop | Activated |
Drop Rate | 50% | Drop Item Common +0 ~ +6 | ON |
Drop Item Excellent | OFF |
Drop Item Ancient | OFF |
Drop Wings or Cape | OFF |
Drop Pets DL | OFF |
Chaos Machine
Combination | Maximum Success Rate |
Item +10 | 55% + Luck + Talisman | Item +11 | 50% + Luck + Talisman |
Item +12 | 45% + Luck + Talisman |
Item +13 | 40% + Luck + Talisman |
Chaos Weapon | Max Rate 100% + Talisman |
Wings Lvl 1 | Max Rate 80% + Talisman |
Wings Lvl 2 | Max Rate 90% |
Ticket Devil's Square | 80% |
Invisibility Cloak | 80% |
Fruit | 80% |
Pet Dinorant | 70% |
Pet Dark Raven | 60% |
Pet Dark Horse | 60% |
Others Rates
Name | Maximum Success Rate | |
Jewel of Bless Rate | 100% | 100% |
Jewel of Soul Rate | 50% | 60% |
Jewel of Life Rate | 55% | 65% |
Talisman of Luck | 10% | 10% |
Jewel of Harmony | 60% | 70% |
Lower Refining Stone | 30% | 40% |
High Refining Stone | 60% | 70% |
/move | Move to a map. |
/whisper [on/off] | Enable / disable whisper. |
/post [message] | Envia un mensaje global. Zen cost: 1000 |
/addstr [points] | Adds points to Strength. |
/addagi [points] | Adds points to Agility. |
/addvit [points] | Adds points to Life. |
/addene [points] | Adds points to Energy. |
/addcom [points] | Adds points to Command. |
/requests [on/off] | Enable / disable requests in-game. |
/lock [password] | Bloquea el movimiento de items (seguridad contra robo). |
/unlock [password] | desbloquea la seguridad. |
Commands VIP
/pack [Jewel] [xcantidad] | empaqueta joyas x10, x20 y x30 para ahorrar espacio. |
/unpack [Jewel] [xcantidad] | desempaqueta x10, x20 y x30 por unidad. |
Account Login
Server Info
Version | Season 2 | |
Experience | 1x | |
Drop | 10% | |
Online Users | 47 | |
Estado del Servidor | Online... Online |
Castle Siege
Registration period for Mark of Lord
Castle Siege Battle
Castle Siege Battle
2 days 6 hours
Top Level